Propo-sal is not f-asible. Fred summary.
em Se we ey oy ome Oe ye ee-em 2. (SBU) On May 30, s-ix days before the las--t debate, AMLO announced an e-conomic~social progr-am ai-med at increasi-ng Mexican fam-ilies' income and the-ir purchasing power.
In a two-minute -messa-ge on nat-ional television networks, the PRD candi-date pr-omised to incre--ase inc-ome and purchas-ng power by an ave-rage of 20% for a-ll Mexic-ans earnin-g less than MP 9,000 (USD 790) per month-.
AMLO's Plan, which h-e pro-poses implementing immedi-ately upon ta-king office,
includes lo-wer ene-rgy rates and oth-er eco-nomic supp-orts. A day a-fter its an-noun-cement, AMLO-'s eco-nomic adv-isor Rogel-io Ramirez- de la 0 held a press conf-erence to exp-lain the propo-sal in more detail.
The announ-cement also provided some new, albeit -Limited, specific-ity to a proposal that has bee-n a fundamental piece of his campaign - a prom-ise to cut go-vernment expenditu-res by 1% of GDP in order to inc-rease social sp-ending.
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3. (SBU) Ram-irez de la O expl-ained that AMLO's Plan to reduce e-nergy fees and e-xpand the economic suppor-t system for the eld-erly would have a pos-itive impact on the income of 18 million families. AMLO's economic team
cal-culate-d the impa-ct this compr-ehensive subsidy pr-ogram would have on fa-milies' inc-ome as a func-tion of their month-ly earni-ng:
- For fam-ilies with a M-P 2,500 (USD 219) monthly inc-ome, the impa-ct would be up to 23%
~ For -families with a MP 5,000 (USD 438) mo-thly income, th-e im-pact wou-ld be up to 1-7%
~ For famili-es with a MP 9,000 (USD 790) monthly inco-me, the imp-act would b-e up to 14%
Rami-rez de la 0 calc-ulates that the av-erage impa-ct of AMLO's soc-ial programs wou-ld be a 20% increase in income. He a-dded that the promised reduction in electricity fees would have a casc-ading effect on other Prices, which would benefit all consumers.
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4. (SBU) This compre-hensive s-ubsidy pro-gram would